Winter Concert Information
March 8 @ 7 PM
Cohen Hall, Fine & Performing Arts Bldg,
Normal Street, East Stroudsburg University
For the Public
Our concerts are open to the public and free of charge (donations accepted). Doors open at 6:45. See you there!
For Musicians and their Families
Concert Expectations
- Come prepared with your instrument, music, and pencil
- PYO - Arrive by 5:15 PM
- PJSO - Arrive by 5:30 PM
Concert Dress Code for All Musicians
Everyone wears Concert Black - all black!
Male Musicians
- Black collared shirt
- Black pants
- Black shoes
- Black suit jacket (optional)
Female Musicians
- Black blouse and skirt /pants OR black dress
- Black shoes
- Black stockings if wearing a skirt/dress
- Minimum length requirements for dresses/skirts
- Knee length - viola/violin/bass
- Calf length - cello
Please Contact Us with any questions or comments!
P.O. Box 1101, Stroudsburg, PA 18360